1. G.Alili, K.I.Alisheva, D.M.Kuli-Zade Precise diffusion coefficient for planetary nebulae and its relation to dynamic age, Conference proceedings “Modern Trends in Physics”, Baku, 2018, 1-3May 2019, pp.156-160
  2. Alili A.H, Alisheva K.İ, The dynamic age of planetary nebulae and their place in the Hertszsprunq-Russel diaqram, Collection of theses, İnternational Conference ”Physics of Stars and Planets:Atmospheres, Activity, Magnetic fields”, 16-20 September, 2019, p.100
  3. İ. Alisheva, N.M.Mammadova, HI and HII regions in planetary nebulae, Modern Trends In Physics, 2019, pp. 196-197, İSSN 2522-4352
  4. Alili A.H, Alisheva K.İ, Kuli-Zade D.M, Presice diffusion coefficient for planetary nebulae and its relation to dynamic age, Modern Trends In Physics, 2019, pp.  256-260, (Web of Science), İSSN 2522-4352
  5. Sadikli R.F, Alisheva K.I, Problems of standard universe theory. Inflationary universe scenario, Mənim ilk addımlarım” tələbələrin IV respublika elmi konfransının materialları, Bakı, 16 may, 2019, s.5-8
  6. M.Kuli-Zade S.G.Mamedov K .İ. Alisheva, Assymmetry classification in the spectrum of the Sun, Modern Trends In Physics, 2019, pp. 92-93, İSSN 2522-4352
  7. Microturbulent Velocity in the Atmospheres of G Spectral Classes Star //Journal of Physics and Astronomy, 2019, Vol.7, Iss 2, p.1-5
  8. Dependence of Microturbulence in F Stars on Spectral Type // Astronomy Reports, 2019, Vol. 63, No. 11, pp. 944–947
  9. Investigation of the atmosphere of HR6978 (45Dra, F 7Ib) star// Modern Trends In Physics 2019, pp.291-293
  10. The metallicity of atmosphere of the post AGB HD161796 (F3Ib) star// GESJ: Physics, 2019, No.1(21), pp3-6 İSSN1512-1461
  11. Microturbulent Velocity in the Atmospheres of F Spectral Classes Star//Modern Trends In Physics, 2019, pp. 116-117
  12. Determination atmosphere of HD707260 (A2Ia) //İnternational Conference”Physics of Stars and Planets:Atmospheres, Activity, Magnetic fields”, 16-20 September, 2019, p.56-57
  13. Determination of element abundance of thestar HD203574(G5III)// Modern Trends In Physics, 2019, pp. 188-189
  14. Study of change wides of coronal spectral lines at height in crown and sun disk, Modern Trends In Physics, 2019, pp. 89-91 İSSN 2522-4352
  15. Changes of wides of coronal lines, Modern Trends In Physics, 2019, pp. 191-192 İSSN 2522-4352
  16. Spectrophotometric characteristics and parameters asymmetries of infrared lines in the spectra of the Sun, Modern Trends In Physics, 2019, pp. 91-92, İSSN 2522-4352
  17. Study of change wides of coronal spectral lines at height in crown and sun disk, Modern Trends In Physics, 2019, pp. 89-91 İSSN 2522-4352
  18. Changes of wides of coronal lines, Modern Trends In Physics, 2019, pp. 191-192 İSSN 2522-4352
  19. A.G.Alili, K.I.Alisheva, D.M.Kuli-Zade Precise diffusion coefficient for planetary nebulae and its relation to dynamic age, Conference proceedings “Modern Trends in Physics”, Baku, 1-3May 2019, pp.156-160
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