1. Абдуллаев С.К., Годжаев М.Ш., Насибова Н.А. Рождение скалярного бозона и тяжелой фермионной пары на встречных е-е+-пучках // Изв. ВУЗов. Физика, 2018, Т. 61, № 7, c. 111-118.
  2. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh., Nasibova N.A. Production of a scalar boson and a heavy fermion pair in counterpropagating ее+-beams // Russian Physics Journal. 2018, Vol. 61, No 7, pp.1306-1315. (IF 0.625)
  3. Абдуллаев С.К., Омарова Э.Ш. Распады хиггс-бозонов на фермион-антифермионную пару // Изв. ВУЗов. Физика, 2018, Т. 61, № 9, c. 48-55.
  4. Abdullayev S.K., Omarova E.Sh. Decays of Higgs bosons into a fermion-antifermion pair // Russian Physics Journal. 2019, Vol. 61, No 9, pp.1603-1612. (IF 0.625)
  5. Абдуллаев С.К., Годжаев М.Ш., Насибова Н.А. Измерение константы связи Хиггс бозона с тяжелой кварковой пары // Изв. ВУЗ-ов, Физика, 2018, Т. 61, №10, с. 83-90.
  6. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh., Nasibova N.A. Measurement of the Coupling Constant of the Higgs Boson with a  Heavy Quark Pair // Russian Physics Journal. 2019, Vol. 61, No 10, pp.1838-1847. (IF 0.625)
  7. Abdullayev S.K., Alizade N.A. Higgs decay into h- and W-bosons. International Conference Modern Trends in Physics, 1-3 may 2019. Baku State University, p. 185-186.
  8. Abdullayev S.K., Omarova E.Sh. The decays of H(h; A) Higgs-bosons into two photons. International Conference Modern Trends in Physics, 1-3 may 2019. Baku State University, p. 96-98.
  9. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh. Higgs boson radiation in electron-positron collisions. International Conference Modern Trends in Physics, 1-3 may 2019. Baku State University, p. 119.
  10. Abdullayev S.K., Guluzade H.Z. Higgs decay into h- and Z- International Conference Modern Trends in Physics, 1-3 may 2019. Baku State University, p. 174-175.
  11. Абдуллаев С.К., Годжаев М.Ш. Совместное рождение Хиггс бозона и тяжелой фермионной пары в -столкновениях // Вестник Московского Университета, Серия 3, Физика, Астрономия, 2019, №1, сс.23-30.
  12. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh. Associated production of a Higgs boson and heavy fermion pair in ee+-collisions // Moscow University Physics Bulletin. 2019, Vol. 74, No 1, pp. 24-32. (IF 0.580)
  13. Абдуллаев С.К., Омарова Э.Ш. Распады Хиггс бозонов на калибровочный бозон и фермион-антифермионную пару // Изв. ВУЗ-ов, Физика, 2019, Т. 62, № 1, pp. 28-35.
  14. Abdullayev S.K., Omarova E.Sh. Decays of Higgs Bosons Into a Gauge Boson and a Fermion-Antifermion Pair // Russian Physics Journal. 2019, Vol. 62, No 1, pp. 30-39. (IF 0.625)
  15. Абдуллаев С.К., Омарова Э.Ш. Трехчастичные распады хиггс-бозонов в Минимальной суперсимметричной Стандартной Модели // Изв. ВУЗов. Физика, 2019, Т. 62, № 3, c. 39-47.
  16. Abdullayev S.K., Omarova E.Sh. Three-Particle Decays of the Higgs Bosons in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model // Russian Physics Journal. 2019, Vol. 62, No 3 , pp. 425-435. (IF 0.625)
  17. Абдуллаев С.К., Годжаев М.Ш. Рождение -бозона и тяжелой фермионной пары в поляризованных -столкновениях (I) // Изв. ВУЗов. Физика, 2019, Т. 62, № 6, c. 94-103.
  18. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh. Production of an H(h; A) Boson and a Heavy Fermion Pair in Polarized ee+-Collisions (I) // Russian Physics Journal. 2019, Vol. 62, No 6 , pp. 1023-1035 (IF 0.625)
  19. Абдуллаев С.К., Омарова Э.Ш. Распады хиггс-бозонов H(h; A) на два фотона (глюона) // Изв. ВУЗов. Физика, 2019, Т. 62, № 9, c. 81-89.
  20. Abdullayev S.K., Omarova E.Sh. Decays of H (h; A) Higgs Bosons in to two photons (gluons) // Russian Physics Journal. 2019, Vol. 62, No 9 , pp. 81-89. (IF 0.625)
  21. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh. Higgs boson radiation in arbitrarily polarized lepton-antilepton collisions // Baku Engineering University. Physics, 2019, Vol. 3, No 1, pp.8-22.
  22. Abdullayev S.K., Omarova E.Sh. Decay channels of Higgs bosons , , // J. Baku Engineering University. Physics, 2019, Vol. 3, No 1, pp.39-57.
  23. Abdullayev S.K., Omarova E.Sh. Decays of Supersymmetric Higgs bosons in to fermions // Azerbaijan Journal of Physics. Fizika. Baku, 2018, Vol. XXIV, №4, 22-34.
  24. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh. The production of Higgs boson and a heavy fermion pair in electron-positron collisions // Azerbaijan Journal of Physics. Fizika. Baku, 2018, Vol. XXIV, №4, 11-21.
  25. A.Masimov, B.G.Pashayev,M.R.Rajabov,L.P.Aliyev Viscozymetric study of aqueous solitions LiOH, NaOh and KOH,p.196-200.
  26. E. A. Masimov, B. G. Pashaev, M. R. Rajabov Structural Properties of Water–PEG–LiOH, NaOH, and KOH Solutions, According to Viscometry and Densimetry. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2019, Vol. 93, No. 12, pp. 2562–2565. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2019. Russian Text © The Author(s), 2019, published in Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii, 2019, Vol. 93, No. 12, p. 1913–1916.
  27. M.R. Radzhabov, Z.I. Heshimli Evolution of polarized electron-photon shower in crystals with varius initial conditions/ International Conference Modern Trends in Physics, 1-3 may 2019. Baku State University, p. 120.
  28. Həşimli Z.I., Rəcəbov M.R. Elektromaqnit leysanının kaskad nəzəriyyəsi. “Mənim elmdə ilk addımlarım ” Tələbələrin IV respublika elmi konfransı,Bakı Dövlət Universiteti 16 may 2019 s.9-11
  29. Rəcəbov M.R.Kristallarda pozitronun kanallaşma şüalanması Bakı Universitetinin Xəbərləri, fizika-riyaziyyat seriyası, №3, 2019.
  30. M. Nagiyev, A. I. Ahmadov, V. A. Tarverdiyeva, and Sh. A. Amirova.Quantum electronics  regarding  nonstationary quadratic quantum systems, Russian Physics Journal, Vol. 61, No. 12, April, 2019 (Russian Original No. 12, December, 2018) p.2173-2187
  31. A. I. Ahmadov, C. Aydin, O. Uzun Bound state solution of the Schröodinger equation at Nite temperature, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1194 (2019) 012001 p.1-13
  32. A.I. Ahmadov, S.M. Aslanova, M.Sh. Orujova, S.V. Badalov, Shi-Hai Dongd Approximate bound state solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation with the linear combination of Hulthén and Yukawa potentials, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physleta.2019.06.043- “A-kateqoriya”
  33. I. Ahmadov, F. G. Pashaev, D. B. Bairamova, and A. G. Gasanov Calculation of the energy of the interelectron interaction in molecules in a basis of slater  functions , Russian Physics Journal, Vol. 61, No. 10, February, 2019
  34. M. Abu-Shady, H. M. Mansour, and A. I. Ahmadov.Dissociation of Quarkonium in Hot and Dense Media in an Anisotropic Plasma in the nonrelativistic Quark Model, Hindawi Advances in High Energy Physics Volume 2019, Article ID 4785615, p.1-10 
  35. Ш. М. Нагиев, А. И. Ахмедов, O временной эволюции квадратичных квантовых систем: операторы эволюции, пропагаторы, инварианты теоретическая и mатематическая физика Том 198, No 3 март, 2019
  36. Sh. M. Nagiyev , A. I. Ahmadov Exact solution of the relativistic finite-difference equation for the Coulomb plus a ring-haped-like potential,  International Journal of Modern Physics AVol. 34, No. 17 (2019) 1950089 (17 pages)
  37. F. G. Pashaev, A. I. Ahmadov, A. G. Gasanov, D. B. Bairamova, S. G. Rahimzade, and U. T. Agayeva .Calculation of spectroscopic parameters of diatomic molecules with an open electron shell Russian Physics Journal, Vol. 62, No. 5, September, 2019
  38. A.I.Ahmadov, C. Aydin and O. Uzun. Inclusive production of charged pion pairs in proton-antiproton collisions Physical Review C 99, 035204 (2019)
  39. A.I. Ahmadov, S.M. Aslanova, M. Demirci Bound state solutions of the Klein-Fock-Gordon equation with the sum ofManning-Rosen potential and Yukawa potential within SUSYQM Journal of Physics 1416 012001 “C”-kateqoriya
  40. Sh.A.Mamedov, A.H.Asadov, M.M.Mahmudov. Nucleons form-factors in isosspin medium in the holographic QCD,İnternational Conference Modern trends in physics 1-3 may 2019, Baku State University p.160
  41. Sh.A.Mamedov, G. C. Shahverdiyeva Nucleons Charge in holographic QCD QCD,İnternational Conference Modern trends in physics 1-3 may 2019, Baku State University p.166-167
  42. Sh.A.Mamedov, H.M.Mammadli. Coupling constant of octet baryons with the vector meson from the hardwall Ads/QCD model, İnternational Conference Modern trends in physics 1-3 may 2019, Baku State University p.174-175
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