1. M.A.Ramazanov, H.A.Shirinova, Luca Di Palmab, A.M. Maharramova Structure and Electrophysical properties of poyvinyldene fluoride ( PVDF) /magnetite nanocomposites Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 2019,   DOI: 10.1177/0892705718804578  Impact factor 1,343
  2. M.A.Ramazanov, F.V.Hajiyeva, A.M.Maharramov Structure and properties of PP/TiO2 based polymer nanocomposites. Journal Integrated Ferroelectrics Volume 192, Issue1, Pages 103-112, 2019, Impact factor 0,486
  3. M.A.Ramazanov, A.M.Maharramov, C.R.Sultanova Magnetoresistance effect in PP+Fe based nanocomposite system Integrated Ferroelectrics,Vol 192, 2018, VOL.192, 141–145, https://doi.org/10.1080/10584587.2018.1521662
  4. M.A.Ramazanov, A. M.Maharramov, Rasim A.Ali-zada, Habiba A.Shirinova, Flora V.Hajiyeva Theoretical and experimental investigation of the particle size distribution and magnetic properties of the pp+Fe3O4 nanocomposites Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials,   DOI: 10.1177/0892705718796542Impact factor 1,343
  5. M.A.Ramazanov, A.M.Maharramov, Angelo Chianese, F.V. Hajiyeva, A.A.Novruzova, G.Y.Maharramova Structure and photoluminissence properties of hybrid nanocomposites on the base of PP/PbS/CdS Journal Integrated Ferroelectrics,V. 201, 2019 Impact factor 0,5
  6. Nobuo Yamada, Hiroki Noguchi, Yoshifumi Orimoto, Yutaka Kuwahara, Makoto Takafuji, Shaheen Pathan,  Reiko Oda,  A.M.Rahimli,  M.A. Ramazanov   Hirotaka Ihara Emission color control in polymer film by memorized fluorescence solvatochromism due to a new class of totally organic fluorescent nanogel particles  Chemistry–A European Journal, Volume 25, Issue 43, Pages: 10021-10245, August 1, 2019,  Journal 2019
  7. M.A.Ramazanov, F.V.Hajiyeva, H.A.Shirinova,  H.M.Mammedov The relation between the composition, structure and absorption properties of ultra-high frequency radio waves of poly(vinylidene fluoride)/magnetite nanocomposites International Journal of Modern Physics B B 33:1950083 DOI: 10.1142/S0217979219500838, Impact factor 0,863
  8. M.A. Ramazanov, F.V.  Hajiyeva, Y.A. Babayev, G.V. Valadova, S. G.  Nuriyeva and H.A.Shirinova Synthesis and optical properties of  PVC-CdS based  nanocomposites Journal of Elastomers & Plastics. 2019. DOI:0095244319827989 Impact factor 1,112
  9. Z.A. Agamaliyev, M.A. Ramazanov, G.K. Azhdarov A Model for Crystal Growth of Solid Solutions in the InAs–GaAs System by a Modified Floating-Zone Technique j. Inorganic Materials, 55 (3), 205-209, 2019, Impact factor 0,6
  10. М.А.Рамазанов, Дж.Р.Султанова Структура и диэлектрические свойства полимерных нанокомпозиционных материалов на основе железа в матрице поливинилиденфторида Ж. Электронная обработка материалов, TОМ, № 5, 2019,55(5), 38–42, Impact factor 0,25
  11. M.A.Ramazanov, F.V.Hajiyeva Metallopolymer nanocomposites based on PP/ Ni: structure and electrophysical properties Acta Physica Polonica A. Vol. 136 (2019), №3, p.513-519, Impact factor 0,545
  12. Gunay G.Valiyeva , Luca Di Palma , Irene Bavasso , Sevinj R. Hajiyeva , M. A. Ramazanov , Flora V. Hajiyeva Synthesis of Fe/Ni bimetallic nanoparticles and application to the catalytic removal of nitrates from water Nanomaterials 2019, 9, 1130; doi:10.3390/nano9081130, p.1-13, Impact factor 4,1
  13. mM.A.Ramazanov. H.A.Shirinova, F.V.Hajiyeva, A.Kh.Karimova M.A.Ramazanov. Structure and magnetic properties of PP+Fe3O4 nanocomposites depending on manufacturing techniques International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2019, Impact factor 0,863
  14. M.A.Ramazanov. H.A.Shirinova, F.V.Hajiyeva, A.Kh.Karimova Structure and magnetic properties of PP+Fe3O4 nanocomposites depending on manufacturing techniques International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2019, Impact factor 0,863
  15. M.A.Ramazanov, A.M.Rahimli The study of the morphology and dielectric properties of PVC+TiO2based nanocomposites j. Integrated Ferroelectrics Vol 201, 2019, Impact factor 0,56
  16. M.A.Ramazanov. H.A.Shirinova, F.V.Hajiyeva, A.Kh.Karimova Influence of temperature-time mode of crystallization on electrophysical characteristics of the polypropylene/magnetite nanocomposite journal Integrated Ferroelectrics.  Vol 201, 2019, Impact factor 0,56
  17. M.A.Ramazanov, H.A.Shirinova Fluctuation of the magnetic moment of magnetite particles depending on the size of particles Modern Trends in Physics-Series, p. 68-75, 2019, Proceedings Paper
  18. MA Ramazanov, H.S. Ibrahimova, F.V. Hajiyeva Influence of electrothermopolarization conditions on strengthand electret properties of PP+ZrO2  nanocompositions Modern Trends in Physics-Series, p.76-79, Proceedings Paper
  19. G.G. Valiyeva, L.Di Palma, S.R. Hajiyeva, M.A. Ramazanov, F.V.Hajiyeva Fe/Pd bimetallic nanoparticles in water remediation and nitrates treatment Modern Trends in Physics-Series, p.137-140, Proceedings Paper
  20. I.S.Ahmadov, M.A. Ramazanov Interaction of protein and starch molecules with nanoparticles Modern Trends in Physics-Series, p.180-185, Proceedings Paper
  21. A.I.Ahmadov,F.G.Pashaev,D.B.Bairamova, A.G.Gasanov Calculation of the energy of the interelectron interaction in molecules in a basis of Slater functions Russian Physics Journal.Vol.61,No.10,2019 p.1848-1854 Impact factor 0,6
  22. F.G.Pashaev,A.I.Ahmadov,A.G.Gasanov, D.B.Bairamova Calculation of spectroscopic parameters of diatomic molecules with an open electron shell Russian Physics Journal.Vol.62,No.5,2019 p.747-755Impact factor 0,6
  23. Ramazanov M.A., Maharramov A.M., Hajiyeva F.V,H.M.Mamedov Microwave absorption of polymer nanocomposites on the base high-density polyethylene and magnetite nanoparticles Journal of Elastomers & Plastics 2019, Vol. 51(2) 130–142,Impact factor 1,112
  24. M.A.Ramazanov, F.V.Hajiyeva Influence of Crystallization Temperature-Time Technological Factors on Structure and Photoluminescent Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites on the Base of Isotactic Polypropylene (PP) and Lead Sulphide (PbS) Nanoparticles Journal of inorganic and organometallic polymers and materials, volume 29, issue 5, p.2168-2175, 2019, Impact factor 1,637
  25. F.V.Hajiyeva Synthesis and structure of hybrid polymer nanocomposites based on PP plus CdS/ZnS International Conference on Modern Trends in Physics, P. 102-108
  26. I.S.Ahmadov, M.A. Ramazanov, G.M. Eyvazova,  S.Z. Huseynli  and S.T.Aliyeva Formation of Silver Nanoparticles in the root extract of Scutellaria baicalensis and their characterization Archives of Nanomedicine Open  Access Journal DOI: 10.32474/ANOAJ.2019.01.000122, p.107-113,2019.
  27. EA Salakhova, D.B. Tagiyev,M.A. Ramazanov,  Z.A. Aghamaliyev, K.F. Ibrahimova, P.E. Kalantarova Electrochemical obtaining of selenium-containing rhenium clusters Modern Trends in Physics-Series, p.109-112, Proceedings Paper
  28. М.А. Рамазанов, Р.М. Багиров,О.Ш. Багирова, Г.А. Турабова Изучение методом гамма-резонансной спектроскопии (грс) связывания ионов железа с растительными меланинами Journal of Radiation Researches, vol.5, №2, 2018, Baku, p. 219-224
  29. F.V.Hajiyeva Synthesis and stabilization of metal nanoparticles of iron, nickel and cobalt Journal of Baku Engineering University,physics,2019,v3,N1,p3-7
  30. F.V.Hajiyeva Magnetic nanocomposites: preparation and characterization of polymer-coated iron oxide nanoparticles. Journal of Low Dimensional Systems
  31. Valiyeva, GG ; Bavasso, I; Di Palma, L; Hajiyeva, SR ; Ramazanov, MA, Hajiyeva F.V. Synthesis and stabilization of bimetallic Fe/Ni and Fe/Cu nanoparticles Low Dimensional Systems, volume 3, pages 14, 2019
  32. A.R.IMAMALIYEV,M.A.RAMAZANOV,Sh.A.HUMBATOV,G.M.BAYRAMOV,A.K.MAMMADOV Influence of size of small ferroelectric barium titanate particles on dielectric properties of smectic a liquid crystal with a positive dielectric anisortopy Low Dimensional Systems, volume 3(2), pages 19, 2019
  33. Гаджиева Ф.В. Гибридные полупроводниковые полимерные нанокомпозиты и методы их формирования Проблемы энергетики. 2019 V4,с36-43
  34. Sh..A.Humbatov, A.R.Imamaliyev,M.A.Ramazanov, G.M.Bayramov International conference4 modern trends in physics. 1-3 may 2019.p. 61-62
  35. M.A.Ramazanov, A.Chianese, F.V.Hajiyeva, A.A.Novruzova Influence of thermal treatment on photoluminiscent properties of PP/PBs/CdS nan composites International conference4 modern trends in physics. 1-3 may 2019.P.67-68
  36. M.A.Ramazanov, H.A.Shirinova Fluctuation of the magnetic moment of magnetite particles depending on the size of particles International conference4 modern trends in physics. 1-3 may 2019, Səh73-74
  37. M.A.Ramazanov, F.V.Hajiyeva Synthesis and structure of hybrid polymer nanocomposites based on PP+CdS/ZnS, International conference4 modern trends in physics. 1-3 may 2019, p.75-76
  38. E.A.Salakhova, D.B.Tağiyev, M.A.Ramazanov, Z.A..Aghamaliyev, K.F.İbragimova, P.E.Kalantarova Electrochemical obtaining of selenium-containing thenium clusters İnternational conference4 modern trends in physics. 1-3 may 2019, p.77
  39. M.A.Ramazanov, H.S.İbrahivova, F.V.Hajiyeva Influence of electrothermopolarization conditions on strength and electret properties of PP+ZrO2 İnternational conference4 modern trends in physics. 1-3 may 2019.P. 79-80
  40. M.A.Ramazanov, J.R.Sultanova The structure and dielectric property studies of the nanocomposites based on poly(vinylene fluoride) and iron nanoparticles İnternational conference4 modern trends in physics. 1-3 may 2019.p.85-86
  41. G.G.Valiyeva, L.Di Palma, S.R.Hajiyeva, M.A.Ramazanov, F.V.Hajiyeva Fe/Pd bimetallic nanoparticles in üater remediation and nitrates treatment İnternational conference4 modern trends in physics. 1-3 may 2019.p.142
  42. Э.А.Салахова, Д.Б.Тагиев, М.А.Рамазанов, З.А.Агамалиев, К.Ф. Ибрагимова, П.Э. Каланторова Электрохимические получениеполупроводниковых сплавов RE-CU-SE ХХI Менделеевский съезд по общей и прикладной химии 9-13 сентября, Санкт Петербург, стр. 178
  43. İ.S.Ahmadov, M.A.Ramazanov İnteraction of protein and starch molecules with nanoparticles, International conference4 modern trends in physics. 1-3 may 2019, p.142-143
  44. F.H.Pashaev, A.G.Gasanov, F.K.Guliyeva Calculation of kinetic energies of the electrons and potential energy of the atoms with open electronic shells on the base of Slater-type atomic orbitals International conference4 modern trends in physics. 1-3 may 2019. p.173
  45. F. H. Pashaev, A.G.Gasanov, S.G.Rahimzade Determination of potential parameters of BeH and CH molecules İnternational conference4 modern trends in physics. 1-3 may 2019. p.190
  46. A.H.Huseynova, F.V.Hajiyeva Dielectric properties of nanocomposites on the base of polyvinylchloride (PVC) and magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4) İnternational conference4 modern trends in physics. 1-3 may 2019 p.225
  47. F.V.Hajiyeva, A.H.Huseynova Thermal properties of magnetic polymer nanocomposites based on PVC+Fe3O4, International Conference Modern Physics, 1-3 May 2019, p.226
  48. K.Ganbarov, M.Jafarov, S. Huseynova ,G.M.Eyvazova, Z.A.Aghamaliyev The impact of temperature on synthesis of silver nanoparticles by Candida Macedoniensis BDU-Mİ44 Вестник научн.конф. 2019, Т 9-2 (49), 7 http://ucom.ru/cn
  49. G.Aliyeva U.Hasanova M.Muradov, A.Aliyev, R.Mirsultanova, Z.Aghamaliyev S.Aliyeva Synthesis of nano-supra-molecular ensembies by silver nanoparticles and silver nanowires with Schiff base Nanotech Eurasia 2019 First Eurasian conf. jn nanotechnology, October 3
  50. O.G.Güləhmədov, L.İ.Vəliyeva Конформационные возможности молекулы аллатостатина DIPPU AST6 Vİ Съезд Биофизиков России, 16-21 сентябрь, Сочи, стр.58-59
  51. E.Z.Əliyev, L.İ.Vəliyeva Пространственная структура и конформационные свойства молекулы аллатостатина DIPPU AST7 Vİ Съезд Биофизиков России, 16-21 сентябрь, Сочи, стр.53-54
  52. N.S.Nebiyev, S.M.israfilova Spatial structure and stabilization characteristics of metal ion and water molecules (semiempirical electrostatic model) İnternational conference4 modern trends in physics. 1-3 may 2019.p.177
  53. O.G.Güləhmədov, F.H.Paşayev d3 konfiqurasiyasından alınan termlər və onların dalğa funksiyaları Mənim elmdə ilk addımlarım Tələbələrin IV respublika konfransının materialları-BDU-100(16 may2019), səh3-5
  54. S.Q.Rehimzade, F.H.Paşayev Molecular orbitals of BeH and CH molecules Mənim elmdə ilk addımlarım Tələbələrin IV respublika konfransının materialları-BDU-100(16 may2019),Səh11-13
  55. Tahirli K.B, Novruzova A.Ə. Ramazanov M.Ə Mənim elmdə ilk addımlarım Tələbələrin IV respublika konfransının materialları-BDU-100(16 may2019)Səh80-82


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