1. Study of transverse momentum and nuclear modification factors distribution of charged particles produced in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76TeV and 5.02TeVş Arif, AAli, Y; (...); Suleymanov, M Aug 2021 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS E 30 (08)   p. 2150068
  2. Study of strange particles production in p - p and p - Pb collisions at 7 TeV. Tabassam, UAli, Y; (...); Suleymanov, Mş Jul 31 2021 | EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS 136 (7) p.793
  3. Soft-Dielectron Excess in Proton-Proton Collisions at root s=13 TeV. Acharya, SAdamova, D; (...); Zurlo, N. Jul 23 2021 | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 127 (4) 042302 (20pages)
  4. Pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles as a function of mvid- and forward rapidity multiplicities in pp collisions at root s=5.02, 7 and 13 TeV. Acharya, SAdamova, D; (...); Zurlo, N. Jul 2021 | EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 81 (7)
    p. 630 (21 pages)
  5. First measurement of the vertical bar t vertical bar-dependence of coherent J/psi photonuclear production. Acharya, SAcosta, FT; (...); Zmeskal, J. Jun 10 2021 | Apr 2021 (Early Access) | PHYSICS LETTERS B 817(13) 10.1016/j.physletb.2021.136280 p. 136280 (13pages)
  6. Elliptic Flow of Electrons from Beauty-Hadron Decays in Pb-Pb Collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV . Acharya, SAdamova, D; (...); Zurlo, N Apr 19 2021 | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 126 (16) p. 162001 (19 pages)
  7. First measurement of quarkonium polarization in nuclear collisions at the LHC. Acharya, SAdamova, D; (...); Zurlo, N. Apr 10 2021 | Mar 2021 (Early Access) | PHYSICS LETTERS B 815 p. 136146 (13 pages),
  8. Production of light-flavor hadrons in pp collisions at root s=7 and root s=13 Tev. Acharya, SAcosta, FT; (...); Zmeskal, J. Mar 2021 | EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 81 (3)
  9. 9.Pion-kaon femtoscopy and the lifetime of the hadronic phase in Pb-Pb collisions at root(S)(NN)=2 . 76 TeV. Acharya, SAdamova, D; (...); Zurlo, N. Feb 10 2021 | PHYSICS LETTERS B 813
  10. 10.Centrality dependence of J/psi and psi(2S) production and nuclear modification in p-Pb collisions at <mml:msqrt>sNN</mml:msqrt>=8.16 TeV. Acharya, SAcosta, FT; (...); Zmeskal, J.Feb 1 2021 | JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (2)
  11. Study of K*(892)(0) and phi (1020) meson production in proton-proton and Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV. Ali, YAhmed, M; (...); Suleymanov, M. Feb 1  . 2021 |  COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 73 (2)
  12. Transverse-momentum and event-shape dependence of D-meson flow harmonics in Pb-Pb collisions at root(S)(NN)=5 . 02 TeV. Acharya, SAdamova, D; (...); Zurlo, N. Feb 10 2021 | Jan 2021 (Early Access) | PHYSICS LETTERS B 813
  13. 13.psi(2S) and J/psi production in pp collisions at root s = 7, 8 and 13 TeV. Ali, YTabassam, U; (...); Ul Abidin, Z .2021 | TURKISH JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 45 (2) , pp.90-104
  14. Unveiling the strong interaction among hadrons at the LHC. Acharya, SAcosta, FT; (...); Zmeskal, J. Dec 10 2020 | NATURE 588 (7837) , pp.232
  15. Search for a common baryon source in high-multiplicity pp collisions at the LHC. Acharya, SAdamova, D; (...); Zurlo, N. Dec 10 2020 | PHYSICS LETTERS B 811
  16. Production of omega mesons in pp collisions at s=7 TeV.Acharya, SAdamova, D; (...); Zurlo, N.Dec 7 2020 | EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 80 (12)
  17. Dielectron production in proton-proton and proton-lead collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV. Acharya, SAdamova, D; (...); Zurlo, N. Nov 25 2020 | PHYSICAL REVIEW C 102 (5)
  18. Elliptic and triangular flow of (anti)deuterons in Pb-Pb collisions root S-NN=5.02 TeV. Acharya, SAdamova, D; (...); Zurlo, N. Nov 17 2020 | PHYSICAL REVIEW C 102 (5)
  19. Multiplicity dependence of inclusive J/psi production at midrapidity in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV. Acharya, SAdamova, D; (...); Zurlo, N. Nov 10 2020 | PHYSICS LETTERS B 810
  20. J/psi elliptic and triangular flow in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV. Acharya, SAdamova, D; (...); Zurlo, N. Oct 22 2020 | JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (10)
  21. Azimuthal correlations of prompt D mesons with charged particles in pp and p-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV. Acharya, SAcosta, FT; (...); Zmeskal, J. Oct 22 2020 | EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 80 (10)
  22. Measurement of isolated photon-hadron correlations in root S-NN=5.02 TeV pp and p-Pb collisions. Acharya, SAdamova, D; (...); Zurlo, N.Oct 19 2020 | PHYSICAL REVIEW C 102 (4)
  23. Measurement of the Low-Energy Antideuteron Inelastic Cross Section. Acharya, SAdamova, D; (...); Zurlo, N. Oct 14 2020 | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 125 (16)
  24. (Anti-)deuteron production in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV. Acharya, SAcosta, FT; (...); Zurlo, N. Sep 25 2020 | EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 80 (9)
  25. J/psi production as a function of charged-particle multiplicity in p-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=8.16 TeV. Acharya, SAdamova D; (...); Zurlo, N. Sep 25 2020 | JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (9)
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