1. Flora Vidadi Hajiyeva, Mahammadali Ahmad Ramazanov, Luca di Palma, Maria Paola Bracciale Structure and thermal properties of copper-polypropylene based nanocomposites, “Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials”, 36(6), 2332-2349, 2023,, IF= 3,330 Web of Science
  2. SG Nuriyeva, HA Shirinova, KM Hasanov, F.V.Hajiyeva Controlled synthesis of silver nanowires: production and characterization Acta Physica Polonica A (2023) 143(4), IF= 0,7 Web of Science
  3. Valiyeva, L.Palma, S.Hajiyeva, M.A.Ramazanov, F.V.Hajiyeva, Abel Maharramov,E. Gasimov, F.Rzayev Reuse of bimetallic nanoparticles for nitrate reduction IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2023, 22, 613–619,IF=2,967, Web of Science
  4. H.Jabarov, S.I.Ibrahimova, F.V.Hajiyeva, E.M.Huseynov, Y.I.Aliyev Structural, Vibrational, and Dielectric Properties of CuInZnSe3 Chalcogenide Compound, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,, 2022, IF=2.334, Web of Science
  5. V.Hajiyeva, M.A.Ramazanov, H.A.Shirinova Structure, optical and photoluminescent properties of hybrid polymer nanocomposites on the base PP+CdS/ZnS International Journal of Nano Dimension,-2021. 12 (3),-p.293-304, IF=1,5 Web of Science.
  6. V.Hajiyeva, M.A.Ramazanov, H.A.Shirinova, G.Y.Maharramova Photosensitive hybrid polymer nanocomposites on the base PVDF+CdS/ZnS for solar cells application// Composite Interfaces,-2021,- p.1-19, Web of Science, IF=2,952.
  7. Hajiyeva, F.V. Influence of polarization conditions on the photoluminescent and electret properties of polymer nanocomposites based on PP+TiO2 // Process of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining (PPOR),-2021. 22(3),-p.416-424, IF=0.248 Web of Science.
  8. Mahammadali Ahmad Ramazanov, Habiba Aslan Shirinova, Flora Vidadi Hajiyeva “The impact of manufacturing technology, of the polypropylene matrix and iron oxide nanoparticles based magnetodielectric nanocomposites on electrophysical parameters”. Materials Chemistry and Physics, volume 253, issue 1, p. 123287 2020, Web of Science, Impact factor (IF-4,6),
  9. Mahammadali Ahmad Ramazanov, Flora Vidadi Hajiyeva “Copper and copper oxide nanoparticles in polypropylene matrix: synthesis, characterization and dielectric properties, Composite Interfaces, 2020, Web of Science, Impact factor (IF-2,32),
  10. Mahammadali Ahmad Ramazanov, Almara Mammadali Rahimli, Flora Vidadi Hajiyeva The influence of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles on the structure, optical and dielectric properties of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Modern Physics Letters B 2020, Web of Science, Impact factor (IF-1,668)
  11. Mahammadali Ahmad Ramazanov, Abel Mammadali Maharramov, Rasim Ali-zada, Habiba Aslan Shirinova, Flora Vidadi Hajiyeva Theoretical and experimental investigation of the particle size distribution and magnetic properties of the PP+Fe3O4 nanocomposites. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, volume 33, issue 1, 2020, Web of Science, Impact factor 3,330, DOI: 1177/0892705718804578
  12. Mahammadali Ahmad Ramazanov, Aybaniz Huseynova, Flora Vidadi Hajiyeva, Sevinj Atayeva Influence of Electrothermopolarization on PE + PbCrO4 –Based Nanocomposition Structures. Integrated Ferroelectrics, volume 211, issue 1, p.160-166, Web of Science, Impact factor 0,557, 2020
  13. Mahammadali Ahmad Ramazanov, Habiba Aslan Shirinova, Flora Vidadi Hajiyeva, Dzmitry Bychanok. New polymeric three phase nanocomposites based on polyvinylidene fluoride, magnetite nanoparticles and multi-walled carbon nanotubes: production, structure and properties, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 2020, Web of Science, Impact factor 4,0
  14. Mahammadali Ahmad Ramazanov, Flora Vidadi Hajiyeva, Yadulla Babayev, Gunay Valadova, Sevinj Garib Nuriyeva, Habiba Aslan Shirinova Synthesis and optical properties of PVC-CdS- based nanocomposites, Journal of Elastomers & Plastics, 2020, Vol. 52(2) 159–166, Web of Science,  Impact factor 1,7,
  15. Mahammadali Ahmad Ramazanov, Habiba Aslan Shirinova, Flora Vidadi Hajiyeva, Jeyran Sultanova, Rasim Alizade Magnetic properties of the iron nanoparticles distributed in polymer matrix: theoretical and experimental approach, Acta Polonica 2020, 138, No. 6, December 2020, DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.138.787, Web of Science Impact factor 0,57
  16. Mahammadali Ahmad Ramazanov, Angelo Chianese, Flora Vidadi Hajiyeva, Aygul Akram Novruzova “Influence of thermal treatment on photoluminescent properties of PP/PbS/CdS nanocomposites, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2020, Web of Science Impact factor (IF-1,7),
  17. Mahammadali Ahmad Ramazanov, Flora Vidadi Hajiyeva, Habiba Aslan Shirinova Fabrication, characterization and optical properties of transparent PP/yttria-stabilizied zirconia (YSZ) based nanocomposites, Journal of Elastomers&Plastics, 2020, Web of Science Impact factor 1,7,
  18. Flora Vidadi Hajiyeva New Hybrid Polymer Nanocomposites Based on Polyvinylidene Fluoride and CdS/ZnS Nanoparticles: Structure and Dielecric Properties, Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry 56, 649–655 (2020)., Web of Science Impact factor 0,289
  19. A.Ramazanov, F.V.Hajiyeva Influence of Crystallization Temperature–Time Technological Factors on Structure and Photoluminescent Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites on the Base of Isotactic Polypropylene (PP) and Lead Sulphide (PbS) Nanoparticles. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, (2019) 29:2168–2175, Web of Science Clarivate Analytics, Impact factor 4,0
  20. A.Ramazanov, F.V.Hajiyeva Metallopolymer nanocomposites based on PP/Ni: structure and electrophysical properties. Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 136 (2019), №3, p.513-519, Web of Science Clarivate Analytics, Impact factor 0,545
  21. M,A.Ramazanov, F.V.Hajiyeva, H.A.Shirinova, A.Kh.Karimova Structure and magnetic properties of PP+Fe3O4 nanocomposites depending on manucturing techniques International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2019, Web of Science Clarivate Analytics, Impact factor 1,7
  22. Gunay G. Valiyeva, Irene Bavasso, Luca Di Palma, Sevinj R. Hajiyeva, Mahammadali A.Ramazanov, Flora V.Hajiyeva Synthesis of Fe/Ni Bimetallic Nanoparticles and Application to the Catalytic Removal of Nitrates from Water, Nanomaterials, volume 8, issue 8, pages 1130, 2019, Web of Science Clarivate Analytics, Impact factor 5,3
  23. A.Ramazanov, F.V.Hajiyeva, H.A.Shirinova, H.M.Mamedov The relation between the composition, structure and absorption properties of ultra-high frequency radio waves of poly (vinylidene fluoride)/magnetite nanocomposites International Journal of Modern Physics B, volume 33, issue 10, p.1950083, Web of Science Clarivate Analytics, Impact factor 1,7
  24. Ramazanov M.A., HajiyevaF.V., MaharramovA.M., Luca Di Palma, Diana Sannino, Makoto Takafuji, MammadovH.M., HasanovaU.A., ShirinovaH.A., BayramovaZ.A. New Magnetic Polymer Nanocomposites on the Basis of Isotactic Polypropylene and Magnetite Nanoparticles for Adsorption of Ultrahigh Frequency Electromagnetic Waves Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, volume 57, issue 5, p.449-458, 2018, IF=3,267 Web of Science
  25. Luca Di Palma, Irene Bavasso, FabrizioSarasini, Jacopo Tirillò, Debora Puglia, Franco Dominici, Luigi Torre, Armando Galluzzi, Massimiliano Polichetti, Mahammadali A. Ramazanov, Flora V. Hajiyeva, Habiba A. Shirinova  Effect of nano-magnetite particle content on mechanical, thermal and magnetic properties of polypropylene composites Polymer Composites 2018, p.1742-1750, IF=5,2 Web of Science
  26. Ramazanov M.A., Maharramov A.M., Ali-zada R.A.,  Shirinova H.A., Hajiyeva F.V.  Theoretical and experimental investigation of the magnetic properties of polyvinylidene fluoride and magnetite nanoparticles-based nanocomposites Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics, vol.12, issue 1, pp.7-13, 2018, IF=1,92 Web of Science
  27. Ramazanov M.A., Maharramov A.M., Hajiyeva F.V., Shirinova H.A., Luca Di Palma The Effect of the Temperature–Time Mode of Crystallization on the Morphology and Thermal Properties of Nanocomposites Based on Polypropylene and Magnetite Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials,vol.28, issue 3, p.1171-1177, 2018, IF=4,0 Web of Science
  28. Ramazanov M.A., Maharramov A.M., Hajiyeva F.V., Sultanova J.R., Thermal and mechanical properties of PP+Fe and PVDF+Fe  based nanocompositions Journal of Optoelectronics and biomedical materials  10, No. 3, p. 83-90, 2018, Web of Science
  29. Ramazanov M.A., Alizade R.A., Maharramov A.M., Hajiyeva F.V., Sultanova J.R., ShirinovaH.A. Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Magnetic Properties andSize of Distribution of PVDF+Fe Based Nanocomposites Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, Volume28, Issue5, pp. 2179-21862018, IF=4,0 Web of Science
  30. A.Ramazanov, F.V.Hajiyeva, A.M.Maharramov, A.M.Rahimli Influence of polarization charges on the photoluminescence properties of nanocomposites based on polyvinylidene fluoride and titanium dioxide nanoparticles J InorgOrganometPolym, vol.27, issue 1, p.239-243, 2017, IF=4,0 Web of Science


  1. Bakalavr təhsil pilləsi “Kimya” ixtisası üzrə “Nanokimyanın və nanotexnologiyanın əsasları” fənninin proqramı. 2012, 15 s.
  2. Bakalavr təhsil pilləsi “Ekoloji kimya” ixtisası üzrə “Nanotexnologiyanın ekologiyada tətbiqi” fənninin proqramı. 2012, 8 s.
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