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  9. Mursalov T.M., Pashayev F.H., Ashurova N.D., Salahov M.S., Gasanov A.G. Quantum-chemical calculations of structure of molecules ecologically dangerous chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin. Proceeding of the eighth Baku International Congress “Energy, Ecology, Economy”, in Association with UNESCO & Urmia University/Iran, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2005, June 1-3, pp. 89-91.
  10. R.Gadzhieva, T.M.Mursalov, K.T.Mahmudov,F.G.Pashaev and F.M.Chyragov. Complexation of Copper(II) with 3-(2-Hydroxyphenylazo)pentadione-2,4, Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2006,Vol. 61, No. 6, pp. 550-555, © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2006.
  11. G.Pashaev, A.G.Gasanov. Quantum mechanical calculations of electronic structure of fulleren molecule, Journal of Qafqaz University, N 19, 2007,s.100-103
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  13. G.Gasanov, F.G.Pashaev. The software for quantum mechanical calculation of electronic structure of molecules. Proceeding of the International Conference “Applications of Information–Communication Technologies in Science and Education”, Baku State University, Gafgaz University and Azerbaijan Technical University Baku, Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2007, November 01-03, pp.523 -530.
  14. R. Gadzhieva, K.T. Mahmudov, F.G. Pashaev, A.G. Gasanov, F.M. Chyragov, Thermochemical Characteristics of Complexation of Some Ions with 3-(4- Bromophenylazo) pentane-2,4-dione in Aqueous Ethanol. ISSN 1070-3284, Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2008, Vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 536–541. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2008.
  15. Alieva R.A., Pashaev F.H., Hasanov A.G.Mahmudov K.T,Chyragov F.M. Complexation of copper(II) with 3-(2-hydroxy-3,5-disulphophenyl-azo) pentan-2,4-dione and its determination in natural objects. The Caspian Sea Natural resources International Journal, Published by Baku State University, N 2, Baku 2008.
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  18. G.Pashaev. Use of Filter-Steinborn B and Guseinov Qqns auxiliary functions in evaluation of two-center overlap integrals over Slater type orbitals, J Math Chem (2009) 45:884–890 DOI 10.1007/s10910-008-9436-x.
  19. A. Alieva, F. G. Pashaev, A. G. Gasanov, and K. T. Mahmudov. Thermodynamic Characteristic of Complex Formation of Some Metals with 3-(4-Chlorophenylazo) pentane-2,4-dione in Aqueous Ethanol. ISSN 0036-0236, Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, Vol. 54, No. 9, pp. 1407–1411. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2009.
  20. A. Alieva, F. G. Pashaev, A. G. Gasanov, and K. T. Mahmudov. Quantum-Chemical Calculations of the Tautomeric Forms of Azo Derivatives of Acetylacetone and Determination of the Stability Constants of Their Complexes with Rare-Earth Metals, ISSN 1070-3284, Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2009, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 241–246. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2009.
  21. Abel M.Maharramov,Rafiga A. Aliyeva, Ismayil A. Aliyev, Faig H. Pashaev, Arzuman G. Gasanov, Saida I. Azimova, Rizvan K. Askerov, Atash V. Kurbanov, Kamran T.Mahmudov. Quantum-chemical calculations, tautomeric, thermodynamic, spectroscopic and X-ray studies of 3-(4-fluorophenyl-hydrazone)pentane-2,4-dione. Journal of Dyes and Pigments, Volume 85, Issues 1-2, April 2010, Pages 1-6.
  22. Kamran T. Mahmudov, Ravan A. Rahimov, Mahammad B. Babanly, Parvin Q. Hasanov, Faig G. Pashaev, Arzuman G. Gasanov, Maximilian N. Kopylovich, Armando J.L. Pombeiro. Tautomery and acid–base properties of some azoderivatives of benzoylacetone. Journal of Molecular Liquids 162 (2011) 84–88,
  23. Pashaev F. G., Gasanov A. G., Ali Tawfik Mahmood. The Study of Gold Nanoparticles in basis of Slater Functions. Journal of Nanotechnology and Advanced materials, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Jan. 2014), PP:35-41., doi:10.12785/jnam/020104
  24. A. Ramazanov, F. G. Pashaev, A. G. Gasanov, A. Maharramov , A. T. Mahmood. The quantum mechanical study of cadmium sulfur  nanoparticles in basis of STO’s. Chalcognide letters,  Vol. 11, No. 7, July 2014, p. 359 – 364, Impact factor 1,184
  25. Abel M. Maharramov, Mahammadali A. Ramazanov, Arzuman G. Gasanov and  Faig G. Pashaev.The study of silver nanoparticles in basis of slater functions. Physical Science International Journal10(3): 1-6, 2016, Article no.PSIJ.23370 ISSN: 2348-0130
  26. Məhəmmədəli Ə. Ramazanov, Arzuman Q. Həsənov, Faiq H. Paşayev. Qizil sulfid nanohissəciyi və onun  +PP,  +PVDF nanokompozisiyalarinin modelləşdirilməsi və tədqiqi FİZİKA  Volume XXI, Number 4Section: Az December , 2015, s.9-13
  27. Arzuman G. Gasanov, Faig G. Pashaev The Computer Program for the Study of Nanoparticles in Basis of Slater Atomic Orbitals. Romanian Journal Of Information Science And Technology Volume 19, Number 4, 2016, 331–337
  28. G.Pashaev, A.I.Ahmadov, D.B.Bairamova, A.G.Gasanov. Calculation of the energy of the interelectron interaction in molecules in a basis of Slater functions. Russian Physics Journal, , Vol.61,No.10, 2019, p. 1848-1854
  29. G.Pashaev, A.I.Ahmadov, A.G.Gasanov, D.B.Bairamova, S.G.Rahimzade, U.T.Agaeva. Calculation of spectroscopic parameters of diatomic molecules with an open electron shell. Russian Physics Journal, Vol.62,No.5, 2019, p. 747-75
  30. Faig Pashaev,Arzuman Gasanov,Musaver Musaev and İbrahim Abbasov,Calculation of one-electron wave functions and energy levels N-butane molecule on the basis of Slater atomic orbitals, Proceedings of the Latvian Academi of Sciences.sec.B,V.75 ,N 3,p 229-233.


    1. Paşayev F.H. Həsənov A.Q. Atom və molekul fizikasinda riyazi metodlar. Dərs vəsaiti  “Müəllim ” nəşriyyatı, Bakı 2013, 126s
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti, əsas bina 3-cü mərtəbə, 319-cu otaq, Bakı şəhəri, akademik Zahid Xəlilov küçəsi, 33, AZ 1148
Tel.: 994125390523 [email protected] Bütün hüquqlar qorunur. Bakı-2023
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