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  2. Negative infrared photoconductivity in CdS1-xSex films, Russian J. of Applied Physics, 3, 94-97, 2004.
  3. Electrical and photoelectric properties of electrodeposited n-Si/n-Cd1-xZnxS heterojunctions, Inorganic Materials, 41(3), 220-223, 2005.
  4. Photosensitivity of heterojunctions manufactured by a method of electrochemical deposition, Thin Solid Films, 480-481, 388-391, 2005.
  5. Photosensitivity of heterojunctions in visible and near IR region of spectrum, Proc. SPIE, 5834, 264-268, 2005.
  6. Preparation of perfect films Cd1-xZnxS1-уSey by electrochemical deposition, Journal of Physics of NASA, 25 ( 2), 88-92, 2005.
  7. Investigation of electrodeposited heterojunction solar cells, Thin Solid Films, 511-512, 140-142, 2006.
  8. Electrical and Photoelectrical Properties of Electrochemically Fabricated SnO2/Cd0.4Zn0.6S/CdTe Solar Cells, Semiconductors, 40 (12), 1476–1478, 2006.
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  10. On the opportunity of increase of stability degree of parameters and characteristics of IR photoreceivers on the basis of Mo/CdS1-xSex, Russian J. of Applied Physics, 5, 82-86, 2006.
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  12. Heat treatment effects in In2O3/Cd0.4Zn0.6S0.9Se0.1/CdTe hetero-junction solar cells, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 1 (9), 480 – 483, 2007.
  13. Preparation and investigation of electrodeposited p-Si/Cd0.3Zn0.7S0.4Se0.6 heterojunction, Proc. SPIE, 6636 124-127, 2007.
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  15. Electrical properties of electrochemically deposited films of the solid solutions of CdS-ZnSe system, News of Baku University 4, 151 – 157, 2007.
  16. Investigation of Electrodeposited Glass/SnO2/CuInSe2/Cd1-xZnxS1-ySey/ZnO Thin Solar Cells, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 46(11), 7359–7361, 2007.
  17. Electrical and photoelectrical measurements in p-Si/Cd0.3Zn0.7S0.8Se0.2 heterostructures with intermediate buffer layer of CdS, Azerbaijan Journal of Physics 2, 151-153, 2007.
  18. Solar Energy: Prospects and Problems, News of Baku University 3, 118 – 124, 2008.
  19. The switching phenomenon in films Cd1-xZnxS1-ySey, Azerbaijan Journal of Physics, 3, 107-109. 2008.
  20. Функциональные возможности пленок CdSe1-xТеx, осажденных из водного раствора, в ИК области спектра, Прикладная физика, 3, 84-89, 2008
  21. Preparation and mechanism of current passage in heterojunctions, Azerbaijan Journal of Physics,16 (2), 51-54, 2010
  22. Nanostructural and morphological properties of films SrTiO3, Nano- and microsystem techniques, 4, 36-38, 2010
  23. Improvement of photoelectric parameters of the electrodeposited solar cells by thermal annealing in argon atmosphere, Technical and Physical problems of power engineering, 3, 519-521, 2010
  24. Two-photone absorption of neodim laser radiation in films of ZnSxSe1-x, News of Baku University, 3, 154-158, 2011
  25. Electrical and photoelectrical properties of films Cd1-xZnxS1-yTey deposited by the method of electrochemical depostion, Azerbaijan Journal of Physics, 18 (3), 23-29, 2012
  26. Effect of heat treatment in diferent atmospheres on the optical properties of Cd1-xZnxS1-yTey films, Journal of Qafqaz University, 34, 71-78, 2012
  27. Photoelectrical properties of p-GaAs/Cd1-xZnxS1-ySey heterojunctions, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 13 (6), 64-67, 2013
  28. Investigation of p-GaAs/n-Cd1-xZnxS1-yTey/ZnO heterojunctions with nano-transparent ZnO electrodes, Proc. of  ICCE-21, 30-31, 2013
  29. Electronic properties of  TiO2/Cd1-xZnxS1-ySey/Si nano-structured solar cells, Proc. of  ICCE-21, 509-510, 2013
  30. Photoelectrical properties of p-GaAs/Cd1-xZnxS1-ySeheterojunctions, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 13 (6), 64-67, 2013
  31. Preparation and investigation of p-GaAs/n-Cd1-xZnxS1-yTey heterojunctions deposited by electrochemical deposition, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 136(4), 044503-1-4, 2014
  32. Investigation of p-GaAs/n-Cd1-xZnxS1-yTey/Cd1-xZnxO heterojunctions deposited by electrochemical deposition, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials,17(1-2), 67-73, 2015
  33. Angular dispersion coefficient for GaS0.4Se0.6, Science and Society, 3, 43-46, 2015
  34. Electrical and photoelectrical properties of heterojunctions p-Si/Cd1-xZnxO, Journal of Qafqaz University Physics, 4(2), 234-239, 2016
  35. Electrical and photoelectrical properties  of heterojunctions porous- Si/CdS, 7th Szeged International Workshop on Advances in Nanoscience 2016 (SIWAN7), Szeged, Hungary, 53-55, 2016
  36. Photo- and gas- sensitivity of heterojunctions c-Si/porous-Si/CdS, Journal of low dimensional Systems, 1(1), 24-29, 2017
  37. Nano-structured solar cell based on c-Si/porous-Si/CdS/ZnxCd1-xO heterostructures, Modern trends in Physics, 16-19, 2017
  38. Preparation and Second Harmonic Generation in ZnO/PMMA Nanocomposite Films. Eastern European Scientific Journal 4, 646-650, 2017
  39. Phase Effects at Second-Harmonic Generation in ZnO/PMMA Nanocomposite Films, Journal of Physical Science and Application 7 (5), 48-58, 2017
  40. Fabrication and characterization of c-Si/porous-Si/CdS/ZnxCd1-xO heterojunctions for applications in nanostructured solar cells, Photonics Letters of Poland 10 (3), 73-75, 2018
  41. Electrical properties of films Cd1-хZnхO deposited by eletrochemical way, Proceedings of PPA-Series, 91-91, 2018
  42. Photovoltaic performance of p-Si/Cd1-xZnxO heterojunctions, Photonics Letters of Poland 10 (1), 26-28, 2018
  43. New magnetic polymer nanocomposites on the basis of isotactic polypropylene and magnetite nanoparticles for adsorption of ultrahigh frequency electromagnetic waves, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering 57 (5), 449-458, 2018
  44. Preparation and x-ray diffraction investigation of Cu1.80-xZnTe (x= 0.025, 0.050, 0.075, 0.10 at percent) single crystals, Journal of Radiation Researches 5 (2), 128-132, 2018
  45. Nano-structure solar cells on the base of p-Si/Cd1-xZnxO thin film heterojunctions, Journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials 20 (9-10), 468-473, 2018
  46. Электрические и фотоэлектрические характеристики гетеропереходов с-Si/пористый–Si/CdS, Известия высших учебных заведений 61 (9), 96-101, 2018
  47. Effect of composition and heat treatment regimes on the the electrical parameters of Cd1-хZnхO films, Low Dimensional Systems 2 (1), 28-32, 2018
  48. The relation between the composition, structure and absorption properties of ultra-high frequency radio waves of poly (vinylidene fluoride)/magnetite nanocomposites, International Journal of Modern Physics B 33 (10), 1950083, 2019
  49. Effect of Texturing Regimes on the Efficiency of p-Si/Textured-Si/ZnS, Peer Rev J Sol Photoen Sys., 1(3), 000513-17, 2019
  50. Microwave absorption of polymer nanocomposites on the base high-density polyethylene and magnetite nanoparticles, Journal of Elastomers & Plastics 51 (2), 130-142, 2019
  51. Photo sensivity Hetero junction C-Si/Porous-Si/ZnCds, Madridge J Nanotechnol Nanosci 4 (1), 123-126, 2019
  52. Electrical, photoelectrical characterization and gas sensitivity of p-Si/pS/CdS and p-Si/pS/Cd0.4Zn0.6O heterojunctions, Low dimensional systems 3 (2), 8-14, 2019
  53. Fabrication of Cu1. 75 In0. 05Te monocrystals and investigation of structure transition, Low Dimensional Systems 3 (2), 15-18, 2019
  54. Effect of texturing regimes on the efficiency OF p-Si/textured-Si/ZnS1-xSex heterojunctions solar cells, Modern Trends in Physics-Series, 63-67, 2019
  55. Properties of Por.Si-ZnSTe:Cr nanocrystalline thin films, Chalcogenide Letters 16 (3), 131-135, 2019
  56. Electrical and photoelectrical characteristics of с-Si/porous–Si/CdS heterojunctions, Russian Physics Journal 61 (9), 1660-1664, 2019


  1. Bərk cisim elektronikası, Bakı, Təhsil, 2005
  2. Radiophysics, Baku, Muallim, 2018
  3. Multilayer Thin Films-Versatile Applications for Materials Engineering, London, İntech Open, 2020.
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti, əsas bina 3-cü mərtəbə, 319-cu otaq, Bakı şəhəri, akademik Zahid Xəlilov küçəsi, 33, AZ 1148
Tel.: 994125390523 [email protected] Bütün hüquqlar qorunur. Bakı-2023
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