1. Абдуллаев С.К., Годжаев М.Ш. Спиральные амплитуды и электрослабые асимметрии процессов// Ж. Ядерная физика, М.: 1999, Т.62, с.2055-2060.
  2. Abdullayev S.Q., Gojayev M.Sh. Double spin asymmetries for hadron production in semiinclusiv DIS / The V Eurasian Conference Nuclear Science and its application, Turkey, Ankara, 14-17 October, 2008, p.212-213
  3. Abdullayev S.K., Mukhtarov A.I., Gojayev M.Sh. The structure functions for large-pT hadron production in semi-inclusive DIS // Azerbaijan Journal of Physics. Vol. XVIII, N1, 2012, с.7-15
  4. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh. Lyambda-hyperon polarization in semi-inclusive reactions muon (antimuon)-nucleon®neytrino (antineytrino)-lyambda hiperon-hadrons / The V International Conference «Perspectives of peaceful use of nuclear energy». Baku, 21-23 November, p.72
  5. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh. The polarization of B-baryon in semiinclusive reactions // International Conference on High Energy Physics. Fizika, Vol. XIX, №3, Baku, 2013, p.25-29
  6. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh., Saddigh F.A. Decay channels of the standard Higgs boson // Moscow University Physics Bulletin. 2017, N4, pp. 329-333 (IF 0.503)
  7. Абдуллаев С.К., Годжаев М.Ш. Production and Decay of Higgs bosons in muon colliders / X International Conference «Modern trends in Physics». Baku, 20-22 April 2017, p. 61-63
  8. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh., Nesibova N.E. Production of scalar boson and neutrino pair in longitudinally polarized electron-positron collifing beams // Azerbaijan Journal of Physics. Fizika. Baku, 2017, Vol. XXIII, №3, pp. 45-52.
  9. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh., Nasibova N.A. Production of a scalar boson and a fermion pair in arbitrarily polarized e-e+-pair // Russian Physics Journal, Vol. 61, No. 1, May, 2018, p.94-101 (IF – 0.555).
  10. Абдуллаев С.К., Годжаев М.Ш. Рождение хиггс бозонов в произвольно поляризованных электрон-позитронных пучках // Ученые записки физического факультета Московского Университета. 2018, №1, с.1810101-1-10.
  11. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh., Nasibova N.E., Soltanova G. The production of the Higgs boson and -pair in the polarized -pair // Azerbaijan Journal of Physics. Fizika. Baku, 2018, Vol. XXIV, №1, pp.32-39.
  12. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh., Nasibova N.E. Production of a scalar boson and a heavy fermion pair in counterpropagating ее+-beams // Russian Physics Journal. 2018, V. 61, No 7, pp.1306-1315 (IF – 0.555).
  13. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh., Nasibova N.E. Measurement of the coupling constant of the Higgs boson with a heavy quark pair// Russian Physics Journal. 2019, V. 61, No 10, pp.1838-1847 (IF – 0.555).
  14. Gojayev M.Sh. Higgs boson radiation in arbitrarily polarized electron-positron collisions // Azerbaijan Journal of Physics. Fizika. Baku, 2019, V. XXV, №4, pp. 40-51.
  15. Abdullayev, S.K., Gojayev M.Sh. Higgs boson radiation in arbitrarily polarized lepton-antilepton collisions // Journal of Baku Engineering University. Physics, 2019, V. 3, №1, pp.8-22.
  16. Abdullayev, S.K., Gojayev M.Sh. Associated production of a higgs boson and heavy fermion pair in ee+-collisions // Moscow University Physics Bulletin. 2019, №74(1), pp. 24-32.
  17. Abdullayev, S.K., Gojayev M.Sh., Omarova E.Sh. Two- and three-body decays of higgs-bosons in MSSM // Journal of Baku Engineering University. Physics, 2019, V. 3, №2, pp.124-141.
  18. Abdullayev, S.K., Gojayev M.Sh. Production of an H(h; A) Boson and a Heavy Fermion Pair in Polarized ee+-Collisions (I) // Russian Physics Journal. 2019, V. 62, №6, pp. 1023-1035.
  19. Abdullayev, S.K., Gojayev M.Sh. Higgs boson radiation in electron-positron collisions / Internationale Conference Modern Trends in physics, 01-03 May 2019, Baku, pp.294-298.
  20. Abdullayev, S.K., Gojayev M.Sh., Gulayeva, A.K. The production of a chargino pair in polarized lepton-antilepton collisions (I) // Azerbaijan Journal of Physics. Fizika. Baku, 2020, Vol. XXVI, No 3, pp.20-30.
  21. Gojayev M.Sh. Structure functions and two-spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive reactions  // Azerbaijan Journal of Physics. Fizika. Baku, 2020, Vol. XXVI, No 3, pp.14-19.
  22. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh., Gulayeva, A.K. The production a chargino pair in the polarized lepton-antilepton collisions (II) // Azerbaijan Journal of Physics. Fizika. Baku, 2020, Vol. XXVI, No 4, pp. 19-27.
  23. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh. Production of a Higgs boson and a heavy fermion pair in polarized -collisions (II) // Russian Physics Journal. 2020, Vol. 63, №6, pp. 1055-1063.
  24. Abdullayev, S.K., Gojayev M.Sh. Longitudinal spin asymmetries in semi inclusive deep inelastic scattering of polarized leptons on polarized nucleons // Azerbaijan Journal of Physics. Fizika. Baku, 2020, Vol. XXVI, No 4, pp. 32-43.
  25. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh., Gulayeva A.K. Neutralino pair production in polarized lepton-antilepton collisions // Azerbaijan Journal of Physics. Fizika. Baku, 2021, V. XXVII, No 1, pp. 45-62
  26. Годжаев М.Ш. Трехструйное рождение адронов в распаде хиггс-бозона // Изв. ВУЗов. Физика, 2021, Т. 64, №6, c. 10-15.
  27. Gojayev M.Sh. Three-jet production of hadrons in Higgs-boson decay // Russian Physics Journal. 2021, V. 64, №6, pp. 970-977.
  28. AbdullayevK., Gojayev M.Sh., Gulayeva A.K. Investigation of CP-odd asymmetries in muon colliders // Azerbaijan Journal of Physics. Fizika. Baku, 2021, V. XXVII, No 4, pp. 3-18.
  29. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh. The production of two higgs bosons and a vector -boson in polarized electron-positron collisions // Advanced Physical Research, – 2022. Vol. 4, No. 1, – p. 33-55.
  30. Abdullayev S.K., Gojayev M.Sh. Decay of a polarized chargino (neutralino) into a polarized neutralino and a gauge boson // Russian Physics Journal. – 2022. V. 65, №2, – pp. 216-225.
  31. Абдуллаев, С.К., Годжаев, М.Ш., Гулаева, А.Г. Рождение хиггс-бозона и -кванта в мюон-антимюонных столкновениях. Ч. I // Изв. ВУЗов. Физика, 2024, Т. 67, №2, c. 45-54.
  32. Абдуллаев, С.К., Годжаев, М.Ш., Гулаева, А.Г. Рождение хиггс-бозона и -кванта в мюон-антимюонных столкновениях. Ч. II // Изв. ВУЗов. Физика, 2024, Т. 67, №3, c.61-73


  1. Abdullayev S.Q., Qocayev M.Ş. Klassik elektrodinamikadan məsələlər. Dərs vəsaiti. II hissə. Bakı, «AM 965 MMC», 2010, 168s.
  2. Абдуллаев С.Г., Годжаев М.Ш. Задачи по классической электродинамике. Баку: «Фуюзат», 2022, 169с.
  3. Abdullayev S.Q., Qocayev M.Ş. Lepton-lepton və lepton-hadron elektrozəif qarşılıqlı təsir proseslərində asimmetriyalar. – Bakı: «Füyuzat» nəşr., 2022, 500c.
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Tel.: 994125390523 [email protected] Bütün hüquqlar qorunur. Bakı-2023
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