1. Jafarov R.G., Gadjiev S.A. On Regge Asymptotic for Scalar Particle Scattering Amplitude at Arbitrary Angles. Kratkie Soobshenia FIAN SSSR (P.N. Lebedev Phys. Inst. Bulletin), N11, 1986, p.25-28 ( in Russian).
  2. Jafarov R.G., Gadjiev S.A., Livaschvili A.I. Asymptotic Expansion for the Scattering Amplitude in Scalar Field Theory. Izv. Vuzov SSSR. Fizika, N5, 1989, p.49-52 (Sov. Physics Journal, v.32, N5, 1989, p.362-365)
  3. Jafarov R.G., Gadjiev S.A.. On Quantization of Time Dependent Systems with Constraints. Kratkie Soobshenia FIAN SSSR (P.N. Lebedev Phys. Inst. Bulletin), N2, 1990, p.35-38 ( in Russian).
  4. Jafarov R.G., Hadjiev S.A.. Fermion-boson Scattering in Ladder Approximation. Mod. Phys. Lett., v.8, No 3, 1993, p.237-243 (Int. Report Abdus Salam ICTP, 1992, IC/92/326),
  5. Gadjiev S.A., Jafarov R.G. On the Diagonalization of the Bethe-Salpeter Equation for the Imaginary Part of the Scattering Amplitude. Izv. Vuzov. Fizika, No 5, 2001, p.14-19 (Russian Journ. Physics, v.44, N5, 2001, p.460- 466).
  6. Gadjiev S.A., Jafarov R.G.The Bethe-Salpeter Equation for the Imaginary Part of the Scattering Amplitude in the Ladder Approximation. Communication of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, P2-2001-100, 11p ( in Russian).
  7. Jafarov R.G., Gadjiev S.A.. Regge Asymptotics of the Scattering Amplitude a Small Momentum Transfers. in book: "Fundamental Problems of High Energ Physics and Field Theory", Proccedings of XXIV Int. Workshop (2001), Protvino, Moscow Region, Russia , 2002, p.336-347.
  8. Jafarov R.G.and Rochev V.E. On the Problem of Quantum Fluctuations in Nambu – Jona-Lasinio Model. Sumgayit State University Scientific News, N2,2003,p.6-23.
  9. Jafarov R.G. The Quantum Fluctuations in NJL Model with Dimensionally analytical Regularization Beyond Pole Approximation of Amplitude. Baku Univ. News, No1, 2005, p.155-162 (in Russian).
  10. Jafarov R.G.and Rochev V.E. Mean-Field Expansion and Meson Effects in Chiral Condensate of Analytically Regularized Nambu – Jona-Lasinio Model. Central European Journal of Physics, N2, 2004, p.367-382, ( Preprints: IHEP (Russia) 23-03; hep-ph/0311339, 15p.)
  11. Jafarov R.G.The Meson Contributions in the Chiral Condensate in Nambu – Jona-Lasinio Model. Sumgayit State University Scientific News, N4, 2004, p.37-42 (in Russian).
  12. Jafarov R.G.The Equations for the Multi-particle Green Functions in Nambu – Jona-Lasinio Model. Nakhchyvan State University News, N15, 2004, p.60-64. (in Azerbaijani).
  13. Jafarov R.G.On Pion Corrections to Quark Mass in Next-leading order of mean-field expansion in NJL model. Fizika (Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences), v. XII, N1-2, 2006, p.27-29 (Preprint hep-ph/0412114, 4p.),
  14. Jafarov R.G.New Nonperturbative Method and the Bethe-Salpeter Equations in Quantum Electrodynamics. Transactions Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, v. XXV, N5, 2005, p.19-26. (in Russian),
  15. Jafarov R.G.The Equations for the Multi-Quark Green Functions in Nambu – Jona-Lasinio Model. Fizika (Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences), v. XI, N3, 2005, p.27-31,
  16. Jafarov R.G.The Third Order Equations of Mean-Field Expansion in Nambu – Jona-Lasinio Model. Transactions Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 2006, v. XXVI, N 2, p. 3-8 (in Russian).
  17. Jafarov R.G. and Rochev V.E.Two regularization types as two different Nambu-Jona-Lasinio models. Izv. Vuzov. Fizika, No 4, 2006, p.20-31 (Russian Phys.J., v.49, N4, 2006, p.364-378.
  1. Jafarov R.G.and Rochev V.E. Two Regularization - Two Different Models of Nambu – Jona-Lasinio (Preprints: IHEP(Russia) 04-27, hep-ph/0406333, 14p.)
  2. Jafarov R.G.and Rochev V.E.. On Multi-Quark Green Functions in Nambu – Jona-Lasinio Model. in book: "Fundamental Problems of High Energy Physics and Field Theory", Proceedings of XXIV Int. Workshop (2005), Protvino, Moscow Region, Russia , 2006, p.27-33,Protvino, Russia,
  3. Jafarov R.G. The equations for the multi-fermion Green functions QED in the formalism with bilocal source in ladder approximation. Sumgait State Univ. Scien. News, 2006, No 2, с.18-21
  4. Gadjiev S.A., Jafarov R.G. On multi-fermion equations in quantum electrodynamics. Transactions Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 2006, v. XXVI, N 5, p.20-24 (in Russian).
  5. Jafarov R.G. Mesonic corrections to the quark propagator in the Nambu Jona-Lasinio model. Izv. Vuzov. Fizika, No 7, 2006, p.31-36(Russian Physics J., v.49, N7, p.712-719),
  6. Jafarov R.G. and Rochev V.E.On equations for the multi-quark bound states in Nambu – Jona-Lasinio model. Proceedings of Conference Lepton and Hadron Physics, Tehran, 2006, May, 15-20. Preprint arXiv hep-th/0609183, 5p,
  7. Jafarov R.G. and Gadjiev S.A. On quantization of time-dependent systems with constraints.Phys.A:Theor.Math., 2007, v.40, p.3665-3669( arXiv hep-th/0609218).
  8. Jafarov R.G.. On Equations for the Multi-quark Bound States in the Framework of Mean-field Expansion in NJL Model and NLO Meson Correction to Quark Mass. Georgian Electronic Science Journal. Physics, No2, 2009, p.13-29,
  9. Gadjiev S.A., Mammadova S.N. and Jafarov R.G. Model calculation of amplitude asymptotic in - Russian Physics Journal, Vol.56, No1, 2013, p.37-42
  10. Agamalieva L.A., Gadjiev S.A and. Jafarov R.G. Toward a solution of the Edwards equation for the vertex function of quantum electrodynamics in the region of large momenta. Russian Physics Journal, Vol. 58,No. 11, 2016, p.1493-1496
  11. Jafarov R. G., Aghamalieva L.A, Aghakishieva P. E., Rahimzade S. G., Mamedova S.N. and Mutallimov M.M. Pproblem of the Landau poles in quantum field theory: from N. N. Bogolyubov to the present day. Russian Physics Journal, Vol. 59, No. 11, (2017) 1971-1980 (Russian Original No. 11, November, (2016), p. 204-212)
  12. Aydan A. Garibli, Rauf G. Jafarov , and Vladimir E. Rochev. Mean-Field Expansion, Regularization Issue, and Multi-Quark Functions in Nambu–Jona-Lasinio Model. Symmetry special issue “Nambu–Jona-Lasinio Model and its applications”(Ed.T.Inagaki),2019,11(5),668;
  13. Агамалиева Л.А., Амирова Л.И., Джафаров Р.Г., Муталлимов М.М. К решению модельного уравнения Бете-Солпитера для амплитуды рассеяния хиггсовских бозонов, Изв. Вузов.Физика, 2022 65, No 9, с.101-105


  1. Jafarov R.G.Quantum Mechanics(lecturesnotes), Jomard Publishing., 2020, 195 p.C
  2. əfərov Q. Kvant Mexanikası (mühazirələr), Comərd Publişinq Nəşriyyatı., 2020, 186s.
  3. Джафаров Р.Г. Теория многочастичных уравнений в применении в физике адронов и атомных ядер высоких энергий, Jomard Publishing, 2020, 280 с
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Tel.: 994125390523 [email protected] Bütün hüquqlar qorunur. Bakı-2023
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