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  29. Rena J. Kasumova. Second optical harmonic generation of CO2 laser radiation in CGA crystal. of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, 2013, v. 22, No 2, p. 1350023-1-13.
  30. Rena Kasumova. SHG in İR region in mixed Zn1-xMgxSe crystals. American J. of Optics and Photonics, 2013, 1 (4) p. 23-27.
  31. Rena Kasumova. Optical parametric interaction in infrared region. J. of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, 2013, v. 22, No 3, p. 1350033-1-9.
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  33. Rena J. Kasumova. Second harmonic of laser radiation for IR-range in mixed AgGa6In0.4Se2 crystals. An Indian J: Material Science, 2014, v.10, Issue 8, p. 306-311.
  34. Rena Kasumova, Sh.A.Shamilova. Optical parametric amplification at 6.45 mcm for GaSxSe1-x. International J. Of Scientific & Technology Research, 2014, v.3, Issue 6, p. 189-192.
  35. Rena J. Kasumova. Phase effects at intracavity cascade parametric amplification with low frequency pump. International J. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, 2014, v. 1, Issue 6, p.12-19.
  36. Rena Kasumova, G.A. Safarova, N.V. Kerimova. Ternary wide-bandgap chalcogenides LiGaS2 and BaGaS7 for the mid-IR. International J. of Engineering and Computer Science, 2014, v. 3, Issue 8, p.7823-7828.
  37. Rena Kasumova, Intracavity optical parametric generation in middle IR region crystals. International J. of Electronics and Communication Engineering Research and Development, 2014, v. 4, Number 2, p.89-96.
  38. Rena Kasumova Parametric down-conversion in LiInSe2: double-pump pass singly-resonant oscillator. International J. of Computer Engineering & Technology, 2014, v. 5, Issue 9, p.105-114.
  39. Rena J. Kasumova. Conversion efficiency in AgGa(Se1-xSx)2 International J. Of Science and Research, 2014, v.3, Issue 10, p. 410-413.
  40. Rena J. Kasumova. Sh.A.Shamilova, G.A. Safarova, L.S. Gadyieva. Optical parametric oscillation in Hg1-x CdxGa2 S4. International J. of Engineering and Sciences, IJET-IJENS, 2015, v.15, Issue 02 ISSN: 2077-1185.
  41. Rena J. Kasumova.A.Shamilova. Phase Effects at Third Harmonic Generation in ZnO/PMMA nanocomposite films. International Journal of Engineering and Technology IJET-IJENS, 2015, v. 15, No.4, p. 10-21.
  42. Yang, A. Joshi, R.J. Kasumova, Y. Rostovtsev. Manipulation of light propagation in photonic crystal. JOSA B, 2015, v. 32, No. 10, p. 2122-2128.
  43. Rena J. Kasumova, G.A. Safarova, Sh.A., Shamilova, V. Kerimova. Phase effects in metamaterials at Third-Harmonic Generation. International Journal of Engineering and Technology IJET-IJENS, 2015, v.15, No.06, p.19–30.
  44. Rena J. Kasumova, G.A. Safarova,C. Mamedova. Phase effects at Second Harmonic Generation in zinc oxide, grown on glass substrate. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 2016, v.5, Issue 9, February, p. 7-13.
  45. Rena J. Kasumova, G.A. Safarova, V. Kerimli. On increasing the conversion efficiency to second-harmonic for undoped and doped ZnO nanocomposites. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 2016, v. 6, Issue 5, October, p. 27 – 32.
  46. Rena J. Kasumova , R. Figarova, Sh.Sh. Amirov, G.A. Safarova, N.N. Heydarov. On influence of temperature and doped concentrations on the frequency conversion efficiency in Erbium-doped Zinc Oxide Films. American J. of Optics and Photonics, 2016, 1 (4) p. 23-27.
  47. Rena J. Kasumova, Z.H.Tagiyev, Sh.Sh. Amirov, Sh.A. Shamilova, G.A. Safarova. Phase effects at parametrical interaction in metamaterials. Journal of Russian Laser Research. 38 (4) 211-218 (2017).
  48. Rena J. Kasumova ,Sh.Sh. Amirov,Sh.A. Shamilova. Parametric interaction of optical waves in metamaterials under low-frequency pumping. Quantum Electronics, 47 (7) 655-660 (2017).
  49. Rena J. Kasumova. H.M. Mamedov, Sh.A. Shamilova. Phase Effects at Second-Harmonic Generation in ZnO/PMMA nanocomposite films. of Physical Sc. And Application, 2017, 7(5) 48-58.
  50. J. Kasumova, V.C. Mamedova, N.V. Kerimova. Influence of doping materials on third harmonic generation in zinc oxide films J. of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, 2017, 26 (2) p. 1750019-1-11.
  51. J. Kasumova, G.A. Safarova, A.R. Ahmadova, N.V. Kerimova. Influence of self- and cross-phase modulations on optical frequency doubling process for metamaterials. Appl Opt., 2018, 57(25), 7385-7390 52.
  52. Rena J. Kasumova, G.A. Safarova, A.R. Ahmadova. The spectrum of the second-harmonic of a powerful laser pulse with account of cubic nonlinearity in metamaterial. Opt. Comm., 2018, 427, 584-588 53.
  53. Rena J. Kasumova. Four wave mixing and compensating losses in metamaterials. Superlattices and Microstructures, 2018, 121, 86-91 54.
  54. Rena J. Kasumova, Sh.Sh. Amirov, G.A. Safarova, A.R. Ahmadova. Four-wave mixing in metamaterials. Russian Physics Journal, 2018, 61(9) 1559-1567.
  55. Rena J. Kasumova, Sh.Sh. Amirov. Frequency transformation of ultrafast laser pumses in metamaterials. Superlattices and Microstructures, 2019, 121, 86-91.
  56. Rena J. Kasumova, G.A. Safarova, A.R. Ahmadova. Group velocity mismatch at ultrashort electromagnetic pulse propagation in nonlinear metamaterials. Open Phys. 2019; 126, 49-56.
  57. Rena J. Kasumova,V. Kerimova, G.A. Safarova. Influence of the phases of waves on the frequency down-conversion in the optical lattice at sequential interaction. İnternational Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2020, v.9, Issue 2, p. 1477-1481.
  58. J. Kasumova, ZH. Tagiev, N.V. Kerimova, G.A. Safarova. Consecutive three-wave mixing in optical superlattice at backward second harmonic wave. Journal of Russian Laser Research, 2020, 41(1), 21-27.
  59. Rena J. Kasumova, N.V. Kerimli, A.R. Ahmadova, G.A. Safarova Compensation of losses at three-wave parametric interaction in metamaterials. News of Baku University, 2020, № 1, səh.
  60. Rena J. Kasumova, N.V. Kerimova, G.A. Safarova. Phase effects on coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering. J of Applied Spectroscopy, 2021, 88(1), 17-24.
  61. Rena J. Kasumova, Tagiev, Sh.Sh. Amirov. Laser pulse manipulation in optical fiber. News of Baku University, 2021, № 1, 72-82.
  62. Rena J. Kasumova. Effects of self- and cross-phase modulations at four wave mixing in optical fiber. Journal of Russian Laser Research, 2022, 43(2) 172- 178.
  63. Rena J. Kasumova. Фазовые эффекты при вынужденном рассеянии Мандельштама – Бриллюэна. Оптика и спектроскопия. 2022.


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  4. Lazerlər fizikası. Fizika fakültəsi, magistr təhsil pilləsi. Fənn proqramları, Bakı, BDU, 2007, səh. 92-94.
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  7. Qaz lazerləri. “Ləman nəşriyyat poliqrafiya” MMC, Bakı, 2019, 12 səh..


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  7. C. Qasımova, G.A. Səfərova. Lazerlər fizikasından məsələlər. Bakı State University. Baku, 2018, 78 p.
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  9. C. Qasımova, G.A. Səfərova. Qaz optik kvant generatorlar, Bakı State University. Baku, 2018, 170 p.

Dövlət və Beynəlxalq program və Qrantlar

2004-2006     INTAS Ref. N 04-78-6839 “Ultrafast Position-sensitive Detectors on the Basis of New Avalanche Micropixel Photodiodes with Single Photon Detection Efficiency and with High Amplitude Resolution for Visible and UV Light.” The project was related with experimental elaboration of photodetectors sensitive in visible and UV range of spectrum. (Qrant iştirakçısı prof. R.C. Qasımova)

2008-2010   CRDF –ANSF ($40 000) Project AZP1-3123-BA-08 “Efficient nonlinear frequency conversion using layered structures and quantum coherent effects”, where there were studied quasi phase matched generation of the second and third harmonics of laser radiation, as well generation of terahertz impulses of high efficiency was examined. (Qrant iştirakçısı  prof. R.C. Qasımova)

2010-2012     Grant N EIF-2010-1(1)-40/14-M-9 (10 000 AZN)“Investigation of quasi phase matched nonlinear interaction of waves for elaboration of highly efficient sources of laser scanning radiation” (rəhbər prof. R.C. Qasımova)

2013 - took part in the following grant FP7-INCO-2010-6 project “Nanotechnology platform for elektronics and photonics” (Qrant iştirakçısı prof. R.C. Qasımova)

2014-2016    Grant N EIF-2013-9(15)-46/04-1 (70 000 AZN) “Nanostrukturların qeyri-xətti optik xassələri və metamateriallarda faza effektləri.” (Qrant iştirakçısı prof. R.C. Qasımova)

Elmİ əlaqələr: Arizona Universiteti, Texas A&M University, Moscow State Unioversity, MPTI, MEPI, Irkutsk State University, Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, of Russian Academy of Sciences, of Ukraine Academy of Sciences, Siberia and Samara Dept. of Russian Academy of Sciences.

Bakı Dövlət Universiteti, əsas bina 3-cü mərtəbə, 319-cu otaq, Bakı şəhəri, akademik Zahid Xəlilov küçəsi, 33, AZ 1148
Tel.: 994125390523 [email protected] Bütün hüquqlar qorunur. Bakı-2023
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